Ag/AgCl Reference
Silvion was established in 1984 by Dr S Pathmanaban, a considerably experienced electrochemist and corrosion scientist with a Ph.D from the University of Manchester. This education provided the platform for Dr Pathmanaban to develop a business based on the design and manufacture of ‘Silvion’ reference electrodes for use in Cathodic Protection (CP) systems. Since then, Silvion has gone on to develop a whole range of silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrodes to meet industry demand, and continues to manufacture all of its products in the UK at its current facilities in Grantham, Lincolnshire and Baldock, Hertfordshire.
​Silvion is renowned worldwide by engineers in the Corrosion Prevention Industry and takes pride in offering clients top quality products that include the latest advances in reference electrode technology. Our products provide accurate and reliable monitoring and control of CP systems for Onshore/Offshore Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power and Water industries and for Marine and Concrete Structures.
Silvion have a highly qualified and experienced team which enables us to provide practical and economical solutions to meet and exceed client’s requirements. Our range of products include permanent and portable Ag/AgCl reference electrodes for measuring steel potentials within the following applications:
Concrete Structures
Buried Pipelines and Tank Bottoms
Seawater Structures and Marine Vessels
Brackish and Potable Water
Rob has been active in the CP industry for over 40 years, and took over from Dr Pathmanaban in 2009. During his career, he has gained a wide experience of product manufacturing processes and QA/QC procedures for the Corrosion Prevention industry along with management of UK CP companies. Rob has worked in over 20 countries worldwide including Europe, North Africa, Near East, Middle East and Far East on projects for the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Marine, Water and Power Industries. He remains heavily involved in the day-to-day running of Silvion, and is able to assist clients with advice on electrode selection and installation procedures.
Lucy is the daughter of Rob Britton who decided to follow in his footsteps. After graduating from the University of Birmingham with a Bsc Hons degree, Lucy joined Silvion on a part-time basis while receiving full exposure to all aspects of the business. In 2018, Lucy became a full-time member of the team and since then has extended her knowledge of the Corrosion Science and Engineering field through courses held by the ICORR and CPA. She now holds the position as Managing Director and is committed to in-house research, hoping to lead the way in reference electrode technology to suit the next generation of customers.