Ag/AgCl Reference

Embeddable Reference Electrodes for use in Reinforced Concrete
Silvion are proud of the fact that it's silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrodes have been used in concrete Cathodic Protection (CP) systems since 1987. Embeddable reference cells are a vital element for the performance monitoring of CP system installations. By measuring the potential of the steel with respect to the Ag/AgCl electrode the corrosion state and the effectiveness of the protection system can be judged. Our long life electrodes have a stable reference potential and are suitable for high alkaline or chloride contaminated concrete and can be used for the monitoring of rebar/electrolyte potentials or for the control of DC power supplies.
We currently supply three types of embeddable reference electrodes to allow permanent installation in reinforced concrete structures; WE10, WE50, WE100. The difference between the units is the size, the amount of silver and the area of the measurement interfaces. While the WE50 and WE100 are most commonly used for reinforced concrete, the WE10 units are often used for steel framed buildings where aesthetics are important. For each, we ensure that the predetermined chloride ion concentration around the element in our embeddable electrodes is maintained using an inert electrolyte fully compatible with the Ag/AgCl element. Ionic continuity to the environment is via a micro-porous ceramic sintered disc.
Typical applications: steel rebar in concrete bridges, seawater intakes, marine structures, steel framed buildings, cooling water towers etc.

Mapping Reference Electrode for use on Reinforced Concrete
Existing concrete structures that require potential assessments to be carried out usually have representative areas surveyed using a silver/silver chloride concrete mapping electrode to check the reinforcement steel for corrosion activity.
The ME100 mapping electrode is designed for use with a high input impedence (10MOhm) voltmeter to measure direct potentials on the concrete surface. These electrodes have an integral sponge for intimate contact with the concrete. The electrodes are also supplied complete with a solid cap which should be fitted to protect the ceramic contact disc when the electrode is not in use.