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Specialist Electrodes

Since 1984, Silvion have been designing and manufacturing specialist silver/silver chloride reference electrodes for a range of different applications, some of which are detailed below:

  • Specially designed electrodes for use with underwater corrosion monitoring equipment.

  • Specially designed electrodes for marine vessels.

  • Specially designed electrodes for cooling water process plants.

Laboratory Grade Verification Reference Electrode

The WE35-VE verification electrode has been designed for use on-site or in-house when a Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) is not permitted or is unavailable. It is suitable for testing silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) or other electrode types to verify their potential and calibration, and comes fitted with 1.5M long cable tail and 4mm banana plug.



WE35-VE Ag/AgCl 3.5M KCl Verification Reference Electrode

Standard issue copper cable: 1.0mm sq. Flexible Test Cable

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